Finding a "Home"

"Well I'm not really a church person" or "Church just isn't for me"..

Trust me. We've all been there or have heard someone make statements like these but we NEED to be in a house of worship.
The Word of God says,

"Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble
 together [as believers], as is the habit of
 some people, but admonishing (warning,
 urging, and encouraging) one another..."

[Hebrews 10:25 - Amplified]

This isn't to fulfill a "religious obligation" but serves a great purpose!
When you come to the house of the Lord, you are infused with power! It's an empowering thing to see your brothers and sisters in Christ worshipping together despite their issues, heartaches, pains, troubles, (and on and on and on....)...

Oh.. Did you think only you had issues?
But we have a hope, a TRUTH, that keeps us going day to day.

Also, committing yourselves to a ministry places you under the covering of the sheperds of that house.
That doesn't mean you have to do confessionals or gravel at their feet.
This simply means as a member of their congregation, a sheep of their flock, they have a spiritual responsibilty to pray for you, look out for you, and ultimately see to the growth of your spirit man.

Isn't that awesome?! And best part is, there's no catch!

So here's what you do:
Find a good, bible-based church that's RIGHT FOR YOU!

Where does 'Seeking Truth' worship?
We are committed under the covering of Pastors Cal and Renee Roberts at Latter Rain Family Worship Center (LRFWC). LRFWC is a non-denominational ministry that is devoted to teaching the word of God just as it is! Through bible-based teachings, 'partners' are equipped and encouraged for daily living.

"Reaching those that are lost to the salvation of their soul is our purpose."
[LRFWC Vision - Nov. 2000]

LRFWC offers many ministry opportunities such as a men's group (Keepers of the House), a woman's group (Women With Purpose), and the "livest" youth group in South Florida (Reflections). All of this along with dynamic praise and worship, full children's ministry (nursery included), ministry through the arts (dance, mime, poetry, drama, music), and much more make LRFWC our home of choice.

So feel free to stop by anytime you are in the South Florida area. We are currently worshipping at
Pines Middle School
200 N Douglas Road
Pembroke, Pines FL 33024

But whereever you decide to go:
Get Committed!
Get Covered!
Get Connected!

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